Full of Interesting Strangers | Michael Loop


@rands writes a wonderful recap of what’s right and what’s wrong with conference badges and gives some insightful advise on proper conference badge design:

A Badge Connects You to the People.

The badge achieves this by providing as much social connection with as little social friction as possible.

A well-designed badge provides useful at-a-glance information.

When you walk up to an interesting stranger, you don’t really want to spend more than a half a second staring at their badge.

What’s their title? What do they do? This and other important information doesn’t belong on the badge: it belongs in the conversation facilitated by the badge. This is the point of the badge: to create a great many first conversations.

If you’re somehow connected to conference services, keep reading.



By Daniel Pradilla

Soy arquitecto de software y ayudo a la gente a mejorar sus vidas usando la tecnología. En este sitio, intento escribir sobre cómo aprovechar las oportunidades que nos ofrece un mundo hiperconectado. Cómo vivir vidas más simples y a la vez ser más productivos. Te invito a revisar la sección de artículos destacados. Si quieres contactarme, o trabajar conmigo, puedes usar los links sociales que encontrarás abajo.

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