How to connect to SAP HANA using JDBC

Recently I had to connect a Java application to SAP HANA and I made some notes along the way:

The first step is to get the SAP HANA JDBC driver, a file called ngdbc.jar. The quickest way is to download the SAP Hana Cloud Platform SDK from here:

Choose the latest “Java Web Tomcat 8” from the download section (a package starting with neo-).

Unzip the archive to any location in your machine.

Extract the JDBC driver (ngdbc.jar) from the archive. You will find the driver in the archive inside a hidden folder under: repository/.archive/lib/ngdbc.jar)

Use the driver with the connection string


Where the port is


So if your instance number is 10, the port would be 31015.

The custom driver class name is



By Daniel Pradilla

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